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会員相互の交流と情報共有を目的としたOPPSフォーラムの第25回会合は、3月12日にリアルとオンラインのハイブリッドで開催しました。会員企業の方々が会場とZoomあわせ20名の方にご参加いただきました。 今回は、株式会社国際協力銀行の平本英紀氏に「太平洋島嶼国の水分野案件への取組」と題して講演いただきました。 また事務局よりアジア経済動向に関する主要トピックスを紹介、Fijiフォーラム及びワークショップ、フィリピンPPPセンターとの合同セミナーについて報告を行いました。 <第25回OPPSフォーラムプログラム> 1.開会 2.テーマ (1)講演:太平洋島嶼国の水分野案件への取組  株式会社国際協力銀行 平本英紀様 (2)アジア経済動向に関する主要トピックス OPPS事務局 小松啓吾 (3)Fiji・フォーラム、第2回Fiji・ワークショップ(1月31日、2月1日)、    フィリピンPPPCとの合同セミナー(2月14日)報告 (4)その他情報共有 3.質疑応答・意見交換 4.閉会

The 1st Joint Seminar with PPP Center in the Philippines was held

The Organization for PPP Promotion and Support (OPPS) held the 1st Joint Seminar with the PPP Center of the Philippines (PPPC) on February 14, 2024, the first joint seminar for OPPS members co-hosted by the PPPC and OPPS after a series of Kick-Off meetings and secretariat meetings based on the MOU signed in May 2023. This is the first joint seminar for OPPS members. The seminar meeting was conducted by Ms. Cynthia Hernandez, Executive Director of PPPC, Mr. Eleazar Ricote, Deputy Director of PPPC, and Mr. Kimikazu Uemura, Director and Vice President of OPPS. In addition to Mr. Onodera, Deputy Minister for International Projects who gave greetings and Mr. Ishikawa, Director of Overseas Projects Division, from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, participants from Japan included JBIC, JOIN, JICA, NEXI, and the Japan Transport and Tourism Research Institute. The seminar was attended by nine OPPS member companies, making it a large seminar with a total of over 40 participants. The seminar consisted of a presentation by PPPC on the key points of the amendments to the Philippine PPP laws and regulations, and explanations based on concept notes on seven projects in a wide range of fields from the PPPC project database, followed by a lively Q&A session. The PPPC and OPPS will hold further discussions on these projects and provide support to OPPS members so that they can work toward the realization of their projects.


Photo session


The 24th OPPS Forum was held

The 24th meeting of the OPPS Forum was held on January 16, 2024 as a hybrid of real and online for the purpose of exchanges and information sharing among members. A total of 23 people from member companies participated in the venue and via Zoom.

This time, Ms. Yurika Suzuki of the Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) gave a lecture on “Progress of Infrastructure Development Initiatives including PPP in the Philippines”.
Afterwards, the secretariat reported on the “Secretariat Meeting with the PPP Center in the Philippines” and the “1st Fiji Workshop” and shared information on the “Fiji Forum,” the “2nd Fiji Workshop” and the “Joint Seminar with PPPC in the Philippines” which are scheduled for the future.

  <24th OPPS Forum Program>
   1. Opening
   2. Theme
    (1) Speech: Progress of Infrastructure Development Initiatives including PPP in the Philippines.
         Ms. Yurika Suzuki, Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO
    (2) Report on the secretariat meeting with the PPPC (November 16)
    (3) Report on the 1st Fiji Workshop (November 28)
    (4) Other information sharing (see below)
      Fiji Forum (January 31 & February 1)
      2nd Fiji Workshop (February 1, Secretariat meeting)
      Joint seminar with PPPC, Philippines (February 14)
   3. Q&A/opinion exchange
   4. Closing

Ms. Yurika Suzuki, Institute of Developing Economies, JETRO





フォーラムのご案内「Forum on Water and Wastewater Challenges and Opportunities under Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Pacific Island Countries」








Forum on Water and Wastewater Challenges and Opportunities under Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Pacific Island Countries

日時: 2024131日(水)9:3017:00(現地時間予定)



場所:フィジー共和国 Suva(首都)



  1. 太平洋島嶼国における水と廃水の課題に関するオープンな議論を促進する。
  2. 政府関係者、業界専門家、官民セクター間の協力を奨励する。
  3. 日本企業の技術的・資金的支援の可能性を紹介する。
  4. 持続可能な上下水道インフラ整備のためのパートナーシップを模索する。
  5. 地域特有の課題に対する戦略・政策の策定に貢献する。






Tel: 03-6435-9940


Held a workshop with the Government of the Republic of Fiji on PPP project development in water and wastewater.

On November 28, the Organization for PPP Promotion and Support (OPPS) held the first workshop on PPP project development in water and wastewater with the Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Public Works, Meteorological Services and Transport, Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation, and Fiji Water Authority in the Republic of Fiji.

Many people from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism attended, including Mr. Onodera, Deputy Minister for International Projects. In addition, Ms. Moeko Yoshitomi, an international cooperation specialist from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, gave a presentation.

In this workshop, we had a lively exchange of views on OPPS initiatives, Fiji’s Water Sector Strategy 2050 and PPP opportunities, and Japan’s case studies in the water supply sector.

Furthermore, we have agreed to hold the second and third workshops.

OPPS Chairman Mr. Yamauchi and Vice Chairman Mr. Uemura attended the meeting, and OPPS will continue to hold workshops with the Republic of Fiji to actively develop PPP projects and promote and support the initiatives of member companies.

The venue




Organization for PPP Promotion Support (OPPS)


27F, Toranomon Shiroyama Trust Tower, Minato Ku, Tokyo, 105-6027, Japan
TEL +81-(0)3-6435-9940

Copyright © Organization for PPP Promotion Support (OPPS)