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2020 Annual General Meeting was held

On May 19, the 2020 General Meeting was held remotely via Zoom. There were three proposals: (1) business report and income and expenditure report for fiscal 2019, (2) business plan and income and expenditure budget for fiscal 2020, and (3) election of officers, all of which were approved without incident.

A total of 31 people participated, including full members, associate members, and observers. We received words of encouragement from Mr. Miyasaka, Manager of the Overseas Project Promotion Division, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

OPPS will continue to actively discover overseas PPP projects this fiscal year, and deepen information sharing and exchanges among members.







The 5th OPPS Forum was held

The 5th meeting of the OPPS Forum was held on April 15th for the purpose of mutual exchange and information sharing among members. Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, it was the first remote meeting using Zoom. A total of 30 people from 10 regular member companies and 2 associate member companies participated.

There was a report on the international forum that I participated in in February, a report on project screening tool development, a survey report on construction-related companies, and information sharing on new overseas PPP projects. In the future, it will continue to be difficult to hold meetings in one place, but we will proceed with project formation using screening tools.

<FY2019 5th OPPS Forum Program>

1. Opening

2. Introduction of attendees

3. Review handouts

4. Theme
① International Forum Report (Secretariat) 
 ・Report on the US-Japan Infrastructure Forum (February 6)
 ・10th World Urban Forum (February 8-13)
 ・Examples of smart cities around the world

② COGITE Screening Tool Completion Report (Secretariat)

③ Survey Report: “Current Situation and Strategies of Construction-Related Companies Expanding Internationally” (Secretariat)

④ Member company introduction New overseas PPP project (IC)

⑤ Report (Secretariat)
 ・Overseas PPP project progress report
 ・OPPS PPP seminar held report
 ・Future plans (general meeting, next forum)

5. Q&A and opinion exchange

6. Closing






1. 開会
2. 出席者ご紹介
4. テーマ
① 国際フォーラム報告(事務局) 

② COGITEスクリーニングツール完成報告(事務局)

③ 調査報告:「国際展開する建設関連企業の現状と戦略」(事務局)

④ 会員企業紹介 海外PPP新規案件(IC)

⑤ 報告(事務局)
・OPPS PPPセミナー開催報告
5. 質疑応答・意見交換
6. 閉会


    The 2nd OPPS Seminar was held

    The 2nd OPPS Seminar, “Fundamentals of Overseas Infrastructure Investment Practices,” was held on April 9th. Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, it was held as a webinar using Zoom. 34 people participated remotely, mainly from full member companies.

    The lecturer was Mr. Hitoshi Sasaki, Executive Officer and Managing Director of Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory LLC. He talked about “from project formation to implementation” in an easy-to-understand manner based on his practical experience. The third meeting is scheduled for April 22nd.



    Organization for PPP Promotion Support (OPPS)


    27F, Toranomon Shiroyama Trust Tower, Minato Ku, Tokyo, 105-6027, Japan
    TEL +81-(0)3-6435-9940

    Copyright © Organization for PPP Promotion Support (OPPS)