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The 15th OPPS Forum was held

The 15th OPPS Forum meeting was held on March 15th for the purpose of exchange and information sharing among members. It was held online again this time, but a total of 20 people from 9 member companies and 2 observers from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism participated.

 This time, we received a presentation from the Hanoi office of Nishimura & Asahi Law Office on “The latest status of PPP-related legal systems in Vietnam”. The secretariat provided information on OPPS seminars and shared information on major topics related to Asian economic trends.

<15th OPPS Forum Program>

1. Opening

2. theme

 (1) Latest status of PPP-related legal system in Vietnam
   Mr. Shiro Muto (Nishimura & Asahi Law Office Hanoi Office Counsel)
 (2) OPPS seminar information April 19, 2022 (Tuesday) 10:00-12:00
   Updates on PPP laws in Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines (Nishimura & Asahi Law Offices)
 (3) Major topics on Asian economic trends (from Japan Research Institute “Asia Monthly 2022.03”)
 (4) Other information sharing

3. Q&A/Opinion exchange

4. Closing








    武藤 司郎氏(西村あさひ法律事務所ハノイオフィス カウンセル)
 (2)OPPSセミナー開催案内  2022年4月19日(火)10:00~12:00
    ベトナム、インドネシア、フィリピンのPPP法令アップデート (西村あさひ法律事務所)



The 14th OPPS Forum was held

The 14th meeting of the OPPS Forum was held on January 18th for the purpose of exchange and information sharing among members. This time, it was held online again, but 19 people from 9 member companies, 2 observers from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and 3 guests from Asia Development participated.

 This time, we received a presentation from the representative office of the Asian Development Bank in Japan on “Challenges for investing in infrastructure projects in developing countries.” From the secretariat, there are four PPP project information and other information sharing: “Fiji National Stadium Project”, “UAE: Gletscher City Project”, “PPPHealth4all related information”, “New project entrustment: research work that contributes to overseas expansion of smart cities” made a report on

<14th OPPS Forum Program>
1. Opening

2. theme
 (1) Challenges of investing in infrastructure projects in developing countries
   Mr. Jo Yamagata, Advisor to the Asian Development Bank Representative Office in Japan
   Former Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board Independent Technical Review Chair
 (2) PPP project information sharing
   ① Fiji National Stadium Project (From OPPS Secretariat) 
   ② UAE: Gletscher City Project (From OPPS Secretariat) 
 (3) Other information sharing
   ① PPPHealth4all related information (From OPPS secretariat) 
   ② New project entrustment: Research work that contributes to the overseas expansion of smart cities(From IS)

3. Q&A/Opinion exchange

4. Closing




 今回は、アジア開発銀行駐日代表事務所様より「開発途上国インフラ案件投資の課題」について、プレゼンテーションをいただきました。事務局からは、PPP案件情報及びその他情報共有として「フィジー国ナショナルスタジアム事業」「UAE:Gletscher City Project」「PPPHealth4all関連情報」「新規案件受託:スマートシティの海外展開に資する調査業務」の4件について報告を行いました。



   山縣丞氏 アジア開発銀行駐日代表事務所アドバイザー
   ・前 緑の気候基金(GCF)理事会独立技術審査委員長
   ②UAE:Gletscher City Project(OPPS事務局より) 



【12/9 Online international symposium with Michael Sandel 】

An online international symposium was co-sponsored by the Japan Construction Project Management Method Association and the PPP Promotion and Support Organization, with Professor Michael Sandel of Harvard University as the keynote speaker. In the panel discussion, Naoko Ishii (Professor of the University of Tokyo, former CEO of the World Bank Global Environment Facility), Kengo Kuma (architect), and Shu Yamaguchi (author) took the stage to discuss the divisions in society that have become apparent due to the corona crisis. We talked about what we need to overcome and the future of coexistence that each of us envisions.

In addition, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience that many people could not watch due to connection problems on the day. For those who have applied for 3,300 people, we will inform you about the archive distribution.

<Keynote Speech>

Professor Sandel first raised the points of how to expand the common ground of common good and restore ethical ties regarding the challenges of our civil society. He argues that one of the causes of division and inequality is the excessive neo-liberal economy, that he disagrees with the idea of maximizing shareholder value, and that the traditional Japanese idea of “three-way good” is a healthier way of thinking. she said.

Next, he cited the expansion of the idea of meritocracy success as a reason for the expansion of division. He points out that one factor is the idea that success is an evaluation of one’s ability, and that the winner is the achievement that deserves it. The top 1% of Americans have more students than the bottom 50% at top US universities. He pointed out that in most societies, highly educated people are forgotten to be a minority.

“Then what should we do?” He proposes re-questioning meritocratic success and respecting the value of work. Covid-19 has widened the gap between work that can be done from home and field work, but she emphasizes that this is also an opportunity to realize the importance of essential work. As for the meaning of success, he emphasized that we should humbly think that we just happened to be lucky, and that this will contribute to overcoming divisions and rifts in society.

Professor Michael Sandel

<Panel discussion>

We listened to Professor Sandel’s keynote speech and discussed what is necessary to overcome divisions.

Professor Ishii pointed out that global environmental problems and the division of society are the two major crises facing humanity, and that we are at the stage where we humans must change the state of our economy and society. Architect Kuma pointed out that in 20th-century centralized cities such as New York, skyscrapers symbolize the wealthy and low-rise buildings symbolize the poor. argued that it should be evaluated. Mr. Yamaguchi pointed out that we should humbly accept the talents that we have been given, and that even people in the upper echelons of society are not happy at a time when inequality is widening due to meritocracy. Based on the statements of the three, Professor Sandel summarized that the common theme is to stop being one’s ruler, and that the source is “humility.”

Panel Discussion

In the second half, we talked about the symbiotic future that each of us envisioned. Professor Ishii commented that what is important is a sense of belonging to the community, and that cities will lead climate change measures in the future. Professor Kuma said that the role of parks, which Mr. Sandel pointed out, is important, and she said that the effective use of road space in the city is the key. Mr. Yamaguchi pointed out that even if the system changes, nothing will change unless people change.

 Finally, Professor Sandel praised the humble attitude of Ohtani, who won the MVP award in the major leagues. On top of that, he emphasized the importance of creating a forum for public discussion and providing opportunities for discussion based on questions from the floor. Following the discussion, Moderator Uemura summed up the real meaning of a smart city by creating a place where diverse people can gather and create opportunities for discussion in order to realize diversity.

 We would like to thank everyone who applied and the member companies who supported us.



Organization for PPP Promotion Support (OPPS)


27F, Toranomon Shiroyama Trust Tower, Minato Ku, Tokyo, 105-6027, Japan
TEL +81-(0)3-6435-9940

Copyright © Organization for PPP Promotion Support (OPPS)