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フィリピンPPPセンターとKick-off 会議を行いました
一般社団法人PPP推進支援機構(OPPS)は8月23日、フィリピンPPPセンター(PPPC)と5月11日に締結したMoU(Memorandum of Understanding)にもとづき協働活動を開始致しました。会議はPPPCエグゼクティブディレクターのシンシア・ヘルナンデス所長、エレアザール・リコテ副所長、OPPS理事・副会長の植村公一が執り行いました。本会議では相互のプロセスの詳細を理解するとともに、今後の活動計画についても合意致しました。OPPS はPPPCより共有される案件情報をもとにフィリピンにおける広い分野のPPPプロジェクトを積極的に開拓、推進支援してまいります。
Courtesy visit to the Philippine Ambassador
On August 15, 2023, a delegation from the Organization for PPP Promotion Support (OPPS) had the honor of visiting the Philippine Embassy. Representing OPPS were Mr. Kimikazu UEMURA, Vice-President; Mr. Hiroshi Hiramoto, Secretary General; and Mr. Jison Golez, Manager. They were joined by Mrs. Airi Ikedo-Okutani, the Director and COO of Index Strategy, Inc. – a key founding member of the OPPS.
The courtesy visit gave the privilege of meeting with Her Excellency Mylene J. Garcia-Albano, the Philippine Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Japan, and Mr. Jan Kenneth E. Bolante, First Secretary and Consul at the Embassy.
The primary purpose of the visit was to discuss and share the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was signed between OPPS and the PPP Center of the Philippines on May 11, 2023. This event marks a collaboration between organizations and paves the way for future cooperative efforts. Furthermore, there were also discussions related to Japan’s initiatives in the Philippine Public-Private Partnership (PPP) landscape, as well as the Philippine Government’s ongoing efforts to promote PPP investments led by Mr. Kimikazu Uemura, OPPS Vice-President.
Her Excellency Mylene J. Garcia-Albano
The 21st OPPS Forum held on July 11.
The 21st meeting of the OPPS Forum was held on July 11, as a hybrid of real and online for the purpose of exchange and information sharing among members. More than 30 people from member companies participated at the venue and via Zoom.
This time, we invited Mr. Kazunari Kibe, Director, Representative Executive Officer and President and CEO of INFRONEER Holdings Inc., to lecture on the potential for infrastructure development in ASEAN and AFRICA. The secretariat also reported on the annual activity plan based on the cooperative relationship with the PPP Center in the Philippines.
<Program of the 21st OPPS Forum>
1. Opening
2. Themes
(1) Potential for Infrastructure Development in ASEAN and AFRICA
~ Strategy of INFRONIA HD ~
Mr. Kazunari Kibe, Director, Representative Executive Officer and President CEO,
INFRONIA Holdings, Inc.
(2) Annual activity plan based on cooperation with PPP Center in the Philippines.
Mr.Hiroshi Hiramoto, OPPS Secretariat
(3) Other information sharing
3. Q&A /Opinion exchange
4. Closing
The 21st OPPS Forum
今回はインフロニア・ホールディングス株式会社の取締役 代表執行役兼CEOの岐部一誠様をお招きして、ASEANやAFRICAにおけるインフラ開発の可能性についてお話を伺いました。また、事務局より、フィリピンPPPセンターとの協力関係にもとづく年間活動計画について、報告いたしました。
取締役代表執行役兼CEO 岐部一誠様
2023 Annual General Meeting was held
The General Incorporated Association PPP Promotion and Support Organization (OPPS) held its 2023 Annual General Meeting on June 9th at TCC Kamiyacho. All 11 corporate members, including proxies, participated. Proposal No. 1: FY2022 Business Report/Income and Expenditure Report, Proposal No. 2: Business Plan/Income and Expenditure Plan for FY2023 were approved by majority vote. In addition, the secretariat reported on the details of activities for 2023. Prior to the closing of the meeting, Mr. Moritani, Director of the Overseas Project Promotion Division, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism gave a congratulatory address.
General meeting venue