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 今回は来春開催予定のASEANセミナーで発表する資料について事務方から説明があり、それについて委員がコメントを述べる形で会議が進行しました。セミナーではASEAN各都市の都市鉄道整備における課題抽出を行い、鉄道整備に向けた検討項目を整理のうえ、日本の技術的・財政的な貢献策を検討し、PPPの事例研究やTOD (Transit Oriented Development)の活用等も踏まえた各都市交通問題の具体的な解決策の提案を行う予定です。







 国土交通省からは「第3 JAPANコンストラクション国際賞」の募集についてご紹介頂き、植村副会長からベトナムにおける有料道路コンセッションの状況について情報提供を行いました。




The 3rd OPPS Forum was held

The 3rd meeting of the OPPS Forum was held on November 19th at the Trust City Conference Marunouchi for the purpose of mutual exchange and information sharing among members. 10 regular member companies, 1 associate member company, and an observer, Mr. Miyasaka, from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Overseas Project Promotion Division participated.

Based on the opinions received at the 2nd forum, we introduced examples of overseas PPP projects (highways in South Korea, water supply and sewerage systems in the Philippines) at the beginning.

3rd OPPS Forum

Next, we received reports from the member companies that will play a central role in the PPP environment and project progress in ASEAN (Thailand and the Philippines). He also explained and exchanged opinions on smart city projects that many member companies are interested in. Furthermore, he introduced the outline of the Inter-American Development Bank as an initiative of overseas international financial institutions.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism introduced the application for the “3rd JAPAN Construction International Award”, and Vice Chairman Uemura provided information on the status of toll road concessions in Vietnam.

Participating members commented that the introduction of overseas PPP project cases was especially meaningful.

The 3rd OPPS Forum is scheduled to be held on January 21st (Tuesday) in the new year along with the New Year’s party.


The 2nd OPPS Forum was held

The 2nd OPPS Forum meeting was held on September 18th at Trust City Conference Marunouchi for the purpose of exchange and information sharing among members. 10 regular member companies, 1 associate member company, and an observer, Mr. Miyasaka, from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Overseas Project Promotion Division participated.

Based on the first discussion, the secretariat explained the basic policy of the PPP project formation process and obtained the agreement of all the members. Next, we reported on the summary of the results of the questionnaire conducted after the last forum. We received responses on regions, countries, sectors, and PPP schemes that we were interested in, summarized our interests in the more than 20 PPP candidate projects introduced at the first forum, and responded to the opinions and requests we received. We also discussed the criteria for selecting PPP candidate projects.

 After reporting on the PPP conference hosted by OPPS in relation to TICAD7 on August 27, the conclusion of MoU with the government of Ghana, a member company, and discussions with the government of Kenya, Index Consulting Co., Ltd., a regular member, announced the Ghana Road Concession. There was an overview and an introduction to how to proceed in the future. In addition, the secretariat explained the success/failure cases and factors in F/S and PPP commercialization, as well as the development of candidate project screening tools, and held a question-and-answer session.

In the future, OPPS will provide information based on the opinions received from member companies, and in addition to projects in Africa such as Ghana and Kenya, we will proceed to formulate projects that OPPS will work on in ASEAN.

The 3rd OPPS Forum will be held on Tuesday, November 19th.


2nd OPPS Forum














Organization for PPP Promotion Support (OPPS)


27F, Toranomon Shiroyama Trust Tower, Minato Ku, Tokyo, 105-6027, Japan
TEL +81-(0)3-6435-9940

Copyright © Organization for PPP Promotion Support (OPPS)