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① 国際フォーラム報告(事務局)
② COGITEスクリーニングツール完成報告(事務局)
③ 調査報告:「国際展開する建設関連企業の現状と戦略」(事務局)
④ 会員企業紹介 海外PPP新規案件(IC)
⑤ 報告(事務局)
・OPPS PPPセミナー開催報告
5. 質疑応答・意見交換
6. 閉会
The 2nd OPPS Seminar was held
The 2nd OPPS Seminar, “Fundamentals of Overseas Infrastructure Investment Practices,” was held on April 9th. Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, it was held as a webinar using Zoom. 34 people participated remotely, mainly from full member companies.
The lecturer was Mr. Hitoshi Sasaki, Executive Officer and Managing Director of Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory LLC. He talked about “from project formation to implementation” in an easy-to-understand manner based on his practical experience. The third meeting is scheduled for April 22nd.
Participated in the 10th World Urban Forum
OPPS exhibited at the 10th World Urban Forum (sponsored by UN-Habitat) held in Abu Dhabi, UAE (United Arab Emirates) from February 8 to 13. In addition to OPPS, we exhibited panels introducing smart city initiatives by three member companies (Index Consulting Co., Ltd., Daiwa Lease Co., Ltd., and Fujita Corporation).
In addition, Ms. Ikedo of Index Consulting Co., Ltd., a member company, represented OPPS at the panel discussion on February 9th and gave a presentation titled “Localizing the SDGs through PPP in Smart Cities – Lessons learned from Asia to the world-”. We did. Mr. Kurita, Vice-Minister for Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and Ms. Ikedo were the only two speakers from Japanese government agencies/companies.
The World Urban Forum is held every two years and is a large-scale international conference attended by more than 20,000 people from 160 countries around the world. OPPS will continue to share and disseminate information on smart cities.
また、会員企業の㈱インデックスコンサルティング池戸氏がOPPSを代表して2/9のパネルディスカッションに登壇し、“Localizing the SDGs through PPP in Smart Cities – Lessons learned from Asia to the world-“と題してプレゼンテーションを行いました。日本政府機関/企業からの登壇は栗田国土交通審議官と池戸氏の2名のみでした。