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フランスの経済学者、思想家 ジャック・アタリ氏が、 2020年9月28日当機構ほか計3法人共同主催のオンライン国際シンポジウムにおいて行った基調講演を、日本語字幕付き動画でお届けします。
ジャック・アタリ氏 基調講演1 危機から教訓を見出す
ジャック・アタリ氏 基調講演2 今後の世界の行方
ジャック・アタリ氏 基調講演3 「命の経済」の構図
ジャック・アタリ氏 基調講演4 「ポジティブな社会」を作る
Dr.Jacques Attali’s Keynote Speech in the Symposium Released
French economist and philosopher Dr. Jacques Attali gave a keynote speech at an online international symposium jointly hosted by the Organization and three other corporations on 28th September, 2020. We will deliver the video with Japanese subtitles.
This is a valuable message about the post-corona era. Please take a look.
(The file is divided into 4 files due to the data.)
Dr. Jacques Attali’s Keynote Speech 1/4; Finding lessons from crisis
Dr. Jacques Attali’s Keynote Speech 2/4; Future direction of the world
Dr. Jacques Attali’s Keynote Speech 3/4; Composition of the “economy of life”
Dr. Jacques Attali’s Keynote Speech 4/4; Create a “Positive Society”
An online international symposium has held
An online international symposium titled “European Intelligence” Jacques Attali, in the era of COVID-19, was co-sponsored by JICA, the Council for Construction Project Delivery System (CPDS), and the Forum for the Future of the Environment (FEF). “Understanding the city, people, and the world”” was held on the evening of 28th September. This was the first attempt for our organization to use Zoom Webinar, but the interest far exceeded our initial expectations, and the final number of applications for participation reached 4,200. Thank you very much for your application and participation.
Dr. Jacques Attali’s keynote speech was excellent based on his new book “The Economy of Life – A New World Begins After the Pandemic” (President Publishing), which was released on October 15th. Dr. Attali says that we should learn lessons from the crisis, and argues that the “economy of life” will become important in an era when superpowers are absent and IT companies such as GAFA take over the hegemony. I was encouraged by Dr. Attali’s powerful message that we should aim for a positive society by being altruistic towards future generations.
In the latter half of the panel discussion, in addition to Dr. Attali, Professor Kazunari Uchida of Waseda University Business School, Kengo Kuma, an architect and special professor of the University of Tokyo, and Seiichiro Yonekura, a specially appointed professor of Hitotsubashi University Graduate School, participated in the panel discussion. I did. Koichi Uemura, the vice chairman of our organization, acted as moderator. In the first half, we talked about new homes, offices, and work styles in the COVID-19 crisis, and in the second half, we talked about the world situation and the global economy on a larger scale. The panel discussion was so hot that one hour was not enough. Details will be compiled later and will be published along with the editing on the day.
We believe that the altruism advocated by Mr. Atari is an essential element in promoting the public-private partnership = PPP that we are working on. We will contribute to the formation of a positive society by utilizing the knowledge gained through this symposium in the formation of future PPP projects.
当機構と一般社団法人建設プロジェクト運営方式協議会(CPDS)、一般社団法人環境未来フォーラム(FEF)の3法人共催で、オンライン国際シンポジウム「“欧州の知性”ジャック・アタリ氏、ウィズ・コロナ時代の“街・人・世界”を読み解く」を9月28日夕刻に開催しました。Zoom Webinarを使用した当機構としても初めての試みでしたが、当初の予想をはるかに上回るご関心をお寄せ頂き、最終的な参加申込人数は4,200名に達しました。お申込み、ご参加頂きましたみなさま、誠にありがとうございます。
The 7th OPPS Forum was held
The 7th meeting of the OPPS Forum was held online on September 15th for the purpose of exchanging and sharing information among members. A total of 18 people from 10 regular member companies, 2 people from 1 associate member company, and 2 people from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as observers participated.
First, Ms. Kumi Kimura of the Planning and General Affairs Department of Japan Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corporation for Transport & Urban Development (JOIN), an associate member, explained JOIN’s role and business support policy based on extensive materials. rice field. Next, the secretariat explained the progress of proposed projects, introduced a report from the World Bank, and provided the latest information on the impact of COVID-19 on existing and future infrastructure PPPs and countermeasures. Although it is still difficult to travel to other countries, it was time to share the new business possibilities unique to the corona crisis.
<The 7th OPPS Forum Program in 2020>
1. Opening
2. Theme
(1) About JOIN efforts
(2) State of expression of interest in PPP projects
(3) PPP-related information sharing
① Overview of the World Bank Asian Infrastructure Market
② Impact of COVID-19 on existing and future infrastructure PPPs and countermeasures
(4) Other information sharing
3. Questions and Answers / Exchange of Opinions
4. Closing