【Online international symposium “The world of three zeros created with Dr. Muhammad Yunus” was held】
December 23, 2022
On the evening of December 15th (Thursday), an online international symposium titled “Three Zero Worlds Created with Dr. Muhammad Yunus” was held. Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and founder of Grameen Bank from Dhaka, Bangladesh gave a lecture. More than 1,400 people applied, and nearly 800 people watched on the day.
The theme of Yunus’ keynote speech is “Creating a world of three zeros.” From the title of his recent book, he made a proposal to aim for a world with zero poverty, zero unemployment, and zero CO2 emissions. Dr. Yunus talked about the origin of social business, the foundation of Grameen Bank, and its activities around the world. Globally, the Grameen Group has extended loans totaling more than $3 billion. I felt that Dr. Yunus, who lends unsecured, low-interest loans to the poor, especially women, has “trust in people” at his core. In addition, he said that there are people looking for jobs and people creating jobs in the world, and since everyone has creativity, he suggested that the latter = opportunities to become entrepreneurs should be increased.
Dr. Muhammad Yunus
Before entering the panel discussion, three panelists made comments to Mr. Yunus. Dr.Kohei Saito proposed zero growth in developed countries, or “de-growth,” as the fourth zero. Ms. Rika Sueyoshi asked how to deal with Japan’s increasing relative poverty. Mr. Yunus replied that it is not poverty that is bad, but a system, a financial system where no one is rejected. Dr. Takeshi Nakajima asked Dr. Yunus about the roots of his view of humanity, and he replied, “It comes from my own experience.”
In the panel discussion, three panelists talked about three keywords: Kohei Saito’s “common”, Rika Sueyoshi’s “ethical”, and Takeshi Nakajima’s “altruistic”.
For Dr. Saito, hints for solving problems lie hidden in the workplace. I agree with Mr. Yunus on the point that the system must be changed. We, the people of the developed world, are also responsible for the poverty and environmental destruction of the Third World. In order to convert to a sustainable society, mind changes and system changes are necessary. There was a statement that it is difficult, but there is a possibility, and I want to have hope.
Ms. Sueyoshi introduced the activities of the Ethical Association, of which he is the representative. He said that he is pushing people to take a step to change the system. SDGs are goals, and ethical is the mindset and philosophy to achieve them. Only then can sustainability be realized. I believe that education will become more important in the future. I received comments that adults need to learn along with children.
Dr. Nakajima says that there are many points that sympathize with Dr. Yunus’ idea from the viewpoint of altruism. How to bring out people’s latent abilities = capabilities. This is also an altruistic act. Yunus was able to change the system through Grameen Bank, and when I think about why poor people in Bangladesh received money from Dr. Yunus, I think it was because of Dr. Yunus’s fundamental trust in people. It was pointed out that altruism occurs not only by giving, but also by receiving.
We received many questions from the viewers, but we chose only one and asked three panelists, “Isn’t it necessary to change human values at the same time as redesigning the social system?” Everyone was similarly sued for the need for a change in values.
Finally, moderator Mr. Uemura said that in order to achieve the three zeros, it is important to distribute wealth against poverty, create new businesses against unemployment, and consider and respect the environment against CO2 emissions. He concluded that it is important to reform the social system.
We would like to thank Dr. Muhammad Yunus for his lecture, the three panelists who took the stage, and everyone who applied and participated.
Morocco PPP Conference was held
“Morocco PPP Conference” was held on October 26th between Morocco’s Skilate Temara Province and Casablanca Patrimoine of Casablanca City, which signed an MOU in August.
On the day of the event, we welcomed Mr. Masafumi Mori, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, and Mr. Yusuke Amano, Deputy Director-General for Overseas Projects of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and 42 people including guests from Japan and Morocco attended.
He introduced the PPP project in Morocco and its background, and we were able to have many questions and answers and exchange opinions. In the future, we will actively consider the realization of PPP projects in Morocco.
<Morocco PPP Conference>
Date: October 26 (Wednesday) 17:00-19:00 (Japan time)
Format: Hybrid (Trust City Conference Kamiyacho + Zoom)
(1) PPP Opportunities in Skilate Temara Prefecture Mr. ZAHIDI, Chairperson of the Prefectural Assembly
(2) Utilization of Casablanca’s heritage Casablanca Patrimoine HASSANI
(3) Japan’s waste-to-energy technology and support for green growth
Ministry of the Environment Global Environment Bureau International Decarbonization Transition Promotion and Environmental Infrastructure Counselor’s Office
Ms. Ayako Nishikawa, Infrastructure Promotion Officer
(4) Q&A and exchange of opinions
8月にMOUを締結したモロッコのスキラテ・テマラ県とカサブランカ市Casablanca Patrimoineとの『モロッコPPPコンファレンス』を10月26日に開催いたしました。
(1)スキラテ・テマラ県でのPPP機会 県議会議長ZAHIDI様
(2)カサブランカ市の遺産の活用 Casablanca Patrimoine HASSANI様
環境省 地球環境局 国際脱炭素移行推進・環境インフラ担当参事官室
インフラ推進官 西川絢子様
The 18th OPPS Forum was held
The 18th meeting of the OPPS Forum was held on November 15th as a hybrid of real and online for the purpose of exchange and information sharing among members. A total of 18 people from member companies participated in the venue and Zoom.
This time, we invited Mr. Susumu Takahashi, Director of the World Bank Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Tokyo Office and Representative in Japan, to hear about MIGA’s efforts. The secretariat reported on the Moroccan PPP conference held on October 26th.
<18th OPPS Forum Program>
1. Opening
2. theme
(1) About MIGA’s efforts
World Bank Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Tokyo Office Director and Japan Representative
Mr. Susumu Takahashi
(2) Morocco PPP conference report
Mr. Hiroshi Hiramoto, Secretary General, OPPS Secretariat
(3) Other information sharing
3. Q&A/Opinion exchange
4. Closing
The 18th OPPS Forum