Held a workshop with the Government of the Republic of Fiji on PPP project development in water and wastewater.
On November 28, the Organization for PPP Promotion and Support (OPPS) held the first workshop on PPP project development in water and wastewater with the Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Public Works, Meteorological Services and Transport, Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation, and Fiji Water Authority in the Republic of Fiji.
Many people from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism attended, including Mr. Onodera, Deputy Minister for International Projects. In addition, Ms. Moeko Yoshitomi, an international cooperation specialist from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, gave a presentation.
In this workshop, we had a lively exchange of views on OPPS initiatives, Fiji’s Water Sector Strategy 2050 and PPP opportunities, and Japan’s case studies in the water supply sector.
Furthermore, we have agreed to hold the second and third workshops.
OPPS Chairman Mr. Yamauchi and Vice Chairman Mr. Uemura attended the meeting, and OPPS will continue to hold workshops with the Republic of Fiji to actively develop PPP projects and promote and support the initiatives of member companies.
The venue
The 23rd OPPS Forum was held
The 23rd meeting of the OPPS Forum was held on November 14th, 2023 as a hybrid of real and online for the purpose of exchanges and information sharing among members. A total of 26 people from member companies participated in the venue and via Zoom.
This time, Mrs. Oguchi, Mr. Muto, Mr. Felix, and Mr. Imaizumi of Nishimura & Asahi (Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo) gave a presentation on “PPP in Asia (Update in Vietnam, Philippines, and Bangladesh)”. Afterwards, the secretariat shared information on “Joint Seminar with PPP Center in the Philippines (Overview of Joint Seminar and Project Information.”
<23rd OPPS Forum Program>
1. Opening
2. Theme
(1)Lecture: PPP in Asia (Update in Vietnam, the Philippines, and Bangladesh)
Nishimura & Asahi (Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo)
Mrs. Oguchi, Attorney-at-Law Mr. Muto, Attorney-at-Law (Vietnam)
Mr. Felix, Attorney-at-Law (Philippines) Mr. Imaizumi, Attorney-at-Law (Bangladesh)
(2)Joint Seminar with the Philippine PPP Center
Overview of Joint Seminar and Deal Information (OPPS Secretariat)
(3)Other information sharing
3. Q&A/opinion exchange
4. Closing
Nishimura & Asahi (Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo) Mrs. Oguchi, Attorney-at-Law
A secretariat meeting was held with the Philippine PPP Center
On October 19, the Organization for PPP Promotion and Support (OPPS) held a secretariat meeting with the Philippine PPP Center (PPPC) to discuss the guidelines for holding a joint seminar and the screening of PPP projects to be introduced to OPPS members.
The meeting was conducted by PPPC Executive Director Cynthia Hernandez, Deputy Director Eleazar Ricote, and OPPS Director and Vice Chairman Kimikazu Uemura.
Utilizing additional project information shared by PPPC, OPPS will screen introducing projects for the joint seminar to support the promotion of OPPS members’ efforts in PPP projects in a wide range of fields in the Philippines.
1. Introduction and Recognition of Participants (5 minutes )
2. Greetings (5 minutes )
Mr. UEMURA Kimikazu
Vice President, Organization for PPP Promotion Support
3. Discussion on OPPS initiatives for the Philippines’ projects (60 minutes)
4. Other confirmation items from OPPS (15 minutes)
5. Greetings (5 minutes)
Mr. Eleazar RICOTE
Deputy Executive Director, PPP Center
今回は、7月11付で国土交通省 総合政策局海外プロジェクト推進課長になられました、石川 亨様よりご挨拶をいただきました。その後、インデックスストラテジー様より、インドネシア国における道路案件について情報共有をしていただき、事務局からはフィリピンPPPセンターとのKick-Off Meetingの報告、アジア経済動向に関する主要トピックスについて情報共有をいたしました。
(3)フィリピンPPPセンターとのKick-Off Meeting 報告
The 22nd OPPS Forum was held
The 22nd meeting of the OPPS Forum was held on September 12, 2023 as a hybrid of real and online for the purpose of exchanges and information sharing among members. A total of 30 people from member companies participated in the venue and via Zoom.
This time, we received a greeting from Mr. Toru Ishikawa, who became Senior Director of the Overseas Projects Division Policy Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as of July 11th.
Afterwards, Index Strategy shared information on road projects in Indonesia, and the secretariat reported on the Kick-Off Meeting with the Philippine PPP Center and shared information on major topics related to Asian economic trends.
<22nd OPPS Forum Program>
1. Opening
2. Theme
(1) Greetings and support for promoting PPP projects in the Philippines
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Overseas Projects Division Policy Bureau Senior Director Mr. Ishikawa Toru
(2) Regarding road projects in Indonesia
Index Strategy Inc.
(3) Kick-off meeting report with Philippine PPP Center
Regarding approval details and future project information sharing (OPPS Secretariat)
(4) Main topics related to Asian economic trends
OPPS Secretariat Keigo Komatsu
(5) Other information sharing
3. Q&A/opinion exchange
4. Closing
The 22nd OPPS Forum Program