The 18th OPPS Forum was held
The 18th meeting of the OPPS Forum was held on November 15th as a hybrid of real and online for the purpose of exchange and information sharing among members. A total of 18 people from member companies participated in the venue and Zoom.
This time, we invited Mr. Susumu Takahashi, Director of the World Bank Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Tokyo Office and Representative in Japan, to hear about MIGA’s efforts. The secretariat reported on the Moroccan PPP conference held on October 26th.
<18th OPPS Forum Program>
1. Opening
2. theme
(1) About MIGA’s efforts
World Bank Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Tokyo Office Director and Japan Representative
Mr. Susumu Takahashi
(2) Morocco PPP conference report
Mr. Hiroshi Hiramoto, Secretary General, OPPS Secretariat
(3) Other information sharing
3. Q&A/Opinion exchange
4. Closing
The 18th OPPS Forum