2022 OPPS seminar was held
On March 23, 2023, the OPPS seminar “JICA’s activities in Oceania including PPP and infrastructure needs in Oceania” was held with the aim of learning the basics of PPP. A total of 24 people from member companies participated in the venue and Zoom.
We invited Ms. Akiko Takahashi from the International Organization Pacific Islands Center and Mr. Shinya Tamio, Senior Director of Pacific and Southeast Asia Division, Southeast Asia and Pacific Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency, as lecturers.
<2022 OPPS Seminar Program>
1. Opening
2. “Overview and Regional Characteristics of Pacific Island Countries”
Ms. Akiko Takahashi, International Organization Pacific Islands Center
3. Introduction of JICA’s approach ~Examples of past cooperation, etc.~
Mr. Shinya Tamio, Senior Director of Pacific and Southeast Asia Division, Southeast Asia and Pacific Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency
4. Q&A/Discussion
5. Closing
2022 OPPS seminar